Numbers or Not??
Polyester suits
Papers galore
Over filled briefcases
More statistics to store
Smiles from ear to ear
Hiding the process of what's yet to come
Numbers and sums
Bills and dues
Seminars to make it look smooth
From the top we never hear
Heads must roll!!!!
Check all numbers!!!!
Check out amounts!!!!
Cut all decimals that don't count
Scraping the barrel
Reach to the edge
Pockets getting deeper
Fuller each day as they gouge
To drop the red
Each time I figure I might get ahead
I get pushed to the end of the line
Was I day dreaming
When they stuck a number to my head?
Too bad they don't see we're humans with hearts
We're not just ink that covers the page
How many pockets do they need to feed?
Filling their own superficial selfish greed
So I'll erase this number that's slid to my face
I can be content with my own place of ease
So this is for all you polyester stiff pants
You may win your race to fill your need
But don't forget
Numbers you try to erase from the red
The dots are real people
Not numbers in your head
"But don't forget
Numbers you try to erase from the red
The dots are real people
Not numbers in your head"
I like this. Very apt.
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