Lady SunShine's Aura: October 2005

Monday, October 24, 2005

Trapped In Time

There’s an old cabin, down the road
Kids ran because of stories told
Eerie sounds creep around
Whenever one walks her grounds

I’ve heard once or twice
Elders always sharing advice
Of how if you get too close
You’ll be haunted by a scary host

One day on my way to school
I knew then they be no fools
I heard a sneaky laugh
Sending shivers down my back

My feet couldn’t move fast enough
I admit I’m not so tough
I flew down the winding road
Wasn’t going to pay the collector’s toll

By the time I got to school
My knees we’re skinned, toes too
Oh the pain I felt but didn’t care
I was beyond a little scared

Many years have now passed
Dark memories still hold their grasp
Till one night when I understood
Hollow sighs filling the woods

It was a bright moonlit night
I couldn’t sleep, my nerves were tight
So I took a stroll to ease my pain
That’s when my life took its change

I didn’t get far when I knew
I was being watched, my horror grew
My curiosity was winning inside
Who was the owner of these piercing eyes?

As I got closer to the cabin
I wanted to scream like a madman
Such quivering feelings climbed
I felt I was trapped in time

I ran inside the cold familiar place
Small lights showering quiet empty space
Old furniture I’ve seen
A tapestry of art trapped in a dream

I felt comfortable my nerves were calm
That didn’t last very long
From the shadows an image came
The Lady of the Manor who had no name

She had been waiting for someone like me
To step inside free her scream
My heart froze I couldn’t speak
Then it happen by one simple blink

Next thing I knew I was like her
Everything still seems such a blur
I used to be outside looking in
But on this day she would win

My heart skipped too many beats
Like her my cries filled the streets
It’s ok we’re no longer alone
Together we share our ghostly home

So many strangers eyes

All the pain I see
Rips the very essence of me

World spinning
On a razors edge
How much more
Can a mind dread

Greed pockets filling
As mouths
Beg to fed
Dreaming of safety

I’m losing my soul
My ground is shaking
I’m one
What can I do?

At night tears
At dawn
Lips sigh

So many strangers eyes

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