Lady SunShine's Aura: March 2006

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Dream Weaver

Standing here thinking of you
My Dream Weaver answers me so true
Holding our dreams in the palm of our hands
Answering them in the songs of our minds
Our hearts held so many wishes and memories
We weaved our thoughts in blended dew
Together we made the dreams come true
As night shadows slowly fade from view
I feel you as the lightning blinks
Sending your sweet whisper down to me
As stars kiss the sunset goodnight
They bring me more visions of seeing you
My sweet Dream Weaver
I’ll hold you in my heart and sight
Till you come back to me at night

Shadow Lovers

You can hear their whimpers
In the deep moon light

Shadows drifting
Into each other’s dreams

Realizing the splendors
Feeding the hunger

Sach other in a spell

Freeing the aches to live
Teasing desires
Erotic pleasures fulfilled

Waves flowing in their minds
Held in the night

They hold the best of both worlds

Reality and dreams
Listen to the beauty

oh how they both
Dream to breathe

Dance With Me

Hold me tight
Free the music inside

Cheek to cheek
Living each beat in the heat

Sounds strumming our minds
Starring eyes to eyes

Whisking across the floor
Closer then ever before

Tempos arising higher and higher
Teasing us to the lips of time

Our bodies become one
Giving us power to make it thrive

Releasing our inner sensations
We glide across the stage of our creation

Beauty deep within
Harmonizes our blood

Delivering passion
Of undying love

Sounds of pulsating melodies
Awaken flowing waves

Our minds, bodies and spirits
Releases the mortal from our souls

Blending togetherness
Awaking lost anticipation
To the Dream State of reality

Feeling as one, two combined
Forever-mixed lost in time

Just to find this chance
This one sweet, enchanted dance
Dance with me


A single rose
A blooming daisy
Daffadils follow the hill
Lavender trees swept by the breeze
All beautiful
Visions to me
Morning glories smile bright
Evening cactus kisses the sky
But a single weed sprung to life
Gives as much delight
Flowers big and small
Gentle little wonders for our senses
Wakening our eyes and minds
Tiny miracles they stretch to be alive
But the ones I'll always treasure the most
Are the ones you brought to me
The ones you picked from the side of the road
Cause I knew you were thinking of me
Sweet baby breath
Soft covered pedals
Tulips covered with dew
Precious little blooms
They always remind me of you

Musical Reprise

He woke to sweet sounds of lazy day blues being serenaded
yawning creatures of the light.

Their hypnotizing songs were penetrating through his
French doors.
Flowing scents of lavender were dancing in and around curtains
as they waved good morning

His eyes were focused on something breathe taking to him.
Lying beside him on the big fluffy mattress, was the answer,
his heart had hoped for.

He tired not to make a sound so he could just absorbed all
the beauty that was being painted on the magical bedspread.

Long curls draped across the pillow sham, a picture perfect
face that held a soft glowing aura as she dreamed. His mind
wondered if his face was the main reason for her silent Mona
Lisa smile.

Her lips slightly parted, it was taking all of his power
not to slide over and connect his own.

The silk sheet had slid down just enough to expose one of
her milky white breasts that was standing at attention
as her child like hand was barely covering the remainder.

He was exploring each and every crinkle of the sheet that
covered the rest of her tightly sculptured body

His mind was being transported back to the night before
when the moon and stars were shinning just enough light
for him to see the expressions on her face as they made love
deep into the night. After breaking the bearers of sound,
they fell gently into one another’s arms. They were then
quickly swept to helms of a dream lover’s paradise.

The sun was slowing tracing across the room as she was taking
her rightfully place at the top of the thrown. Her radiant
rays were drifting up the satin sheet tracing the curves
so his eyes could feast even more at the intriguing
dish that was nestled next to him.

Slowly the rays of the sun swam up the sheet till they engulfed
her now revealing naked flesh. He couldn’t reset any more
he had to have her taste on his lips.

He moved in slowly like a leopard would ready to strike his
kill, but his only thoughts were to have an instant replay
of the blockbuster created the night before.

His thirst begged to be quenched and she was the only one
with enough tantalizing beauty to do so.

Slowly he began softly kissing her closed eyes till he felt
movement. Then he moved down to her rosy brushed cheeks.
Her body was responding to his every touch. A melody of chants
lingered from her mouth. Mmm good morning escaped in a whisper
from her inviting lips.

Eyes still closed she reached to embrace the explorer who
was opening the floodgates once again.

Music that was played now was stretching strings captivating
their souls. It was one of lives most precious melodies
being sung in prefect harmony and rhythm. Soon it over powered
the lazy day blues with crisp inviting sounds of good morning

With each tender note, doors opened with no locks to bind
their minds.

As the world awoke so did they, a little bit more, in each
other’s hearts.

Hungry Eyes

Drifting deeper and deeper
Into your ravishing eyes
You devoured every essence
Of my being
With your inciting advances

I felt the comfort of a cocoon
Wrapping my body
With sweet velvet kisses
As you explored
Every region
Of aching, tamable boundaries

You were the painter
Awakening his masterpiece
That told a thousand stories
With one stroke of your touch

The conductor
Composing the ending to his
Life long symphony
With soothing tunes
Of enthusiasm
As you exposed
Satin sheet sensitivity

Further and further
We flew
Higher then the eagle
Soaring in the clouds
Crashing together
We made the earth quake
Beneath us
As we probed into each other
Minds and souls

Till the gushing power
Of the internal volcano
Ejected it’s potential

Nothing till now
Answered the craving appetite
With an enhanced
Haunt of satisfaction
Only to beg for more

You are, were and will be
The reality
Of the ultimate

Paint me
Compose me
Wrap me again

Sensual Lips


Tracking across valleys of pleasure
Uncovering keys
To forgotten treasures

Digging deep in waves of time
Releasing creative wonders
Very few find

So serene
When the hand opens the door
Breaking silent screams

Conducting a tonal pattern
Swept away
To a paradise of dreams

We’ll soar through the birthing
Of a new stellar nursery in life

Compose the beginning
In our young tender minds
Swim in rainbows
Suspended in time

Hold me tight
Within your mind
You seek the same as I

Drowning in each others touch
Passion will steam through the night

Step through the portal
Let our wings guide us
Into an exotic flight

Soar with me
Discover unspoken heights
This journey I have wished to find
Free it from the cravens inside

Eyes to eyes
Flesh to flesh
Ending fear

Touch Me

Touch me, Want me
Make me see
This is the place
My heart dreams to be

Bodies awaken
From deep inside
As the fire now burns
In passionate eyes

When you're by the love of you sight
Longing wishing
For the night
To stretch
Into billions of flights
So time will never end

As the flesh creates
Becoming one
The meaning of life will open its doors
Letting both see new worlds to explore
As we feel our minds meet inside
Journeys of the past
Will slide in
Cupping us in natures delight
Ending tearful broken nights

Touch me, Want me
Make me believe
This is not a story book dream
LSun(c) 2003

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